Luigi Afelba, more usually simply called “Gino” heads up the animated battery of chefs who cook your meal in front of you at the ‘La Boca’ Italian restaurant at the Columbia Plaza in St, Andrews Street Limassol. Gino loves nothing better than inventing or cooking a special dish, but masterminds the range of popular anti-pasti, salads, pizzas and pasta that this formula-food place offers. A most popular dessert is Tiramisu and this is Gino’s recipe.
Ingredients for 4 Servings
3 medium egg yolks
100 g caster sugar
250 g mascarpone (Italian soft cream cheese)
150 ml whipping cream
250 – 350 ml (about two full cups) of strong black coffee (instant espresso works beautifully)
80ml Marsala, Greek Mavrodaphni or Cyprus Muscat sweet wine)
200g Sponge Fingers (Savoiardi)
1 tbsp ‘Disarino’ or other Amaretto Liqueur
2 tbsp Cocoa Powder (unsweetened)
- Put the eggs, the Amaretto and the sugar together into youu food processor bowl and whizz until the mixture turns pale yellow ands creamy.
- In a second bowl whip the cream until it makes soft peaks.
- With a spatula beat the Mascarpone until it is soft.
- Fold the Mascarpone into the egg mixture.
- Fold the cream into the mixture, mix, cover and put in the fridge.
- Put the coffee and wine into a shallow bowl and mix.
- Dip half of the sponge fingers quickly into the coffee mixture, to coat both sides of them.
- Line a serving dish with the soaked sponge fingers, laying them snugly close to each other.
- Pour half the Mascarpone mix on to the sponge fingers and use a spatula to make the surface level.
- Soak the remaining sponge fingers and arrange them on top of the cream, making a second layer.
- Spoon the remaining cream over the top and level the surface.
- Put in the fridge to set – about three hours. Before serving, dust generously with the cocoa powder.