



60g/2oz fine dry breadcrumbs

125ml/4fl.oz light cream

125ml/4fl.oz water

200g/7oz finely minced lean beef

200g/7oz finely minced lean pork

1½ tsp salt

½ tsp ground allspice

1 small to medium onion peeled and very finely chopped

1 egg, beaten

75g/3oz butter

A few grindings of black pepper


1 In a bowl mix together the breadcrumbs, cream and water. Set aside.

2 In a large bowl, mix together the beef, pork, salt, allspice, pepper and onion

3 Add the breadcrumbs and mix well and then the egg

4 Shape into balls: around 12 large ones or between 25 and 30 small ones

5 Heat the butter in a heavy non-stick frying pan and when the foam subsides cook the meatballs a batch at a time

6 Turn regularly to make sure the meatballs are brown all round – for around 12 to 15 minutes for large meatballs and 8 to 10 minutes for smaller ones

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