REVIEW – March 2013


Pottering Around   I wander along our High Street on most days and often wonder why there are so few people about. I find it rather a dull looking street; perhaps it still feels it should have the A12 traffic passing through it. This is a pity because there are some good shops run some […]

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Full House for “Chief’s” Birthday Celebration at Aldeburgh Cinema


As someone brought up with the cinema, it being almost the only form of entertainment available, and who worked in one for several years, I marvel at the atmosphere created by the Aldeburgh Cinema and its associated Club. Literally it re-creates the treat of “Going to the Pictures”. With the modern difference, of course, of […]

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A gift for all seasons…..for many reasons


No matter if you’re Suffolk coast born and bred, an occasional visitor, a part-time resident, or like me a Patrick-come-lately to this lovely part of the world, I have a book before me that everyone should have. Buy one as a gift and I promise you will either keep that one for yourself or buy […]

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