
Woody Allen once posed the question: “How do you make God laugh?”, providing the answer: “You tell Him your plans”. I reckon the Good Lord sometimes does have a sense of humour. In 2009 and 2010 when we were coming over from Cyprus to visit Suffolk and think about moving back, we had 80% dry, […]

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Where are the Cyprus Chefs?

There’s no doubt whatsoever about eating out in Cyprus! Firstly, it’s never been as expensive but it’s never been better either (just see the additions to our listings below!) But look into the catering scene and a worrying fact emerges. There are very few eating places where a Cypriot chef is ‘doing his own thing’. […]

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Writing About It


The most convenient way to enjoy food and wine without suffering from indigestion, gout, obesity or hangovers, is to read about them. But not always is one successful. Often, when reading a biography, a novel or a travel book, I look up from the page and mutter crossly: ‘Very interesting…but what did they eat and […]

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