RECIPE – Sauté of Chicken and Mushrooms


 A good sauté should be cooked quite slowly to allow the flavours to meld and the sauce to thicken and become nice and rich.  The first chicken and mushroom sauté I recall clearly was at a mainly-lobster restaurant overlooking the Atlantic in Brittany, a long time ago.  My wife and I had been commissioned to […]

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RECIPE – Green Beans with Tomatoes and Onion


Plain green vegetable may be good for you, but they can be a bit dull. Courgettes, marrow, cauliflower and other veggies can be lifted by stirring them in to a simply made sauce of onion and tomatoes. For a winter’s lunch or light supper, this is a good accompaniment to a piece of grilled or […]

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Recipe – Linguine with Mushrooms, Peas, Bacon and Leeks


As write, the rain continues to  fall.  It is damp, dank and miserable.  A quick hot uplifting plate of something was called for at lunch time, made from what was in the house, neither of us feeling willing to brave the elements to go shopping.  Pasta is always welcome, and provided you have a sauce […]

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Recipe for cooler evenings – AFELIA


AFELIA – a stew of pork and potatoes This is a popular dish in Cyprus, the ingredients of which are all widely available in the UK. In the 20 or so years I was putting out recipes in my columns this one occurred every five years or so (show me a cookery writer who doesn’t […]

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REVIEW – March 2013


Pottering Around   I wander along our High Street on most days and often wonder why there are so few people about. I find it rather a dull looking street; perhaps it still feels it should have the A12 traffic passing through it. This is a pity because there are some good shops run some […]

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There are those who constantly search for the new and exciting – outlandish even – in their eating out. Others, in the majority I would say, like to have a good idea of what they can expect on the plate. And so our High Streets and shopping precincts are littered with familiar chains of food […]

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